Friday, June 27, 2008

Unit Two Lab project: Exercise Physiology

In this lab I will be testing my bodies metabolic parameters- pulse, respiration, and blood pressure. First I will test these when my body is at rest then I will choose 3 different activities and make of hypothesis of what I think my bodies metabolic parameters will do when I am doing these activities. Will they rise, lower, or stay the same? Lets find out!!

The picture above is my graph and results from the lab!

My hypothesis with each activity was: My rates would go up with the physical activities hula hooping and power walking. I think it will be higher during hula hooping. While reading I think my rate will pretty much stay the same as my resting rate.
If you look at my graph you can see that my hypothesis was just about right. Except that my rates increased more when I was power walking rather than hula hooping. I didn't realize how much your body has to work just to walk.

Below are some pictures of me doing some of these activities.

As you can see I did each activity and had my boyfriend do them as well. I just wanted to see the difference between us and being female and male. His rates increased more than mine and is base rate was higher than mine he started out at rest 156/87 that is pretty high. We only found one machine in town to do this lab at and it was at walmart. I think the machine was accurate as the rates increased with physical activities but I also think the machine was off because both of our numbers were a little high even at rest.

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