Monday, June 9, 2008

Unit 1 Lab Project: Build a Cell

This is a model of a cell using different fruits and candies to show the different parts of the cell and what they do. In this cell model you should be able to see the cell membrane, nucleus including the nuclear envelope and nucleolus, endoplasmic reticulum rough with ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum smooth, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vesicles, mithochondria, cilia, and flagella. I will also be including a step by step process of protein assembly through DNA transcription and translation and the process of mitosis.

Just starting cell membrane outer layer
of watermelon, cytoplasm red part, nucleus
green melon, nuclear envelope lining of melon,and nucleolus apricot pit.

This picture shows the cell as a whole.
Rough ER- Sour Gummy worms sugar represents ribosomes
Smooth ER- Regular Gummy worms
Golgi Apparatus- Layered stack of green taffy
Mitochondria- Dried up apricots orange in color
Lysosomes- watermelon seeds black in color
Vesicles- Yogurt covered raisons white in color
Cilia/Flagella- Twizzlers pull and peel red in color
Above you see the basic structure of a cell. The nucleus command center of the cell, cell membrane outer layer of cell allowing compartments to co-exist happily, mitochondria power house of the cell, golgi apparatus process, package, and deliver proteins and lipids from ER, smooth ER aids in making carbs and lipids, rough ER aids in making proteins, lysosomes contain digestive enzymes, vesicles used for transports, cilia and flagella aid in movement in the cell.

The first picture above show the DNA in the nucleus in the double helix form then as you can see to the right the DNA strands are pulled apart the DNA information is being copied (transcribed) into mRNA. In the 2nd picture mRNA is leaving the nucleus and attaching itself onto a ribosome (sour gummy worm). Tranlation begins tRNA anticodons recognize mRNA codons, bringing in the correct amino acids into position on the growing polypeptide chain.
In the 3rd picture you can see as the ribosome keeps moving more amino acids are added (peanuts). Finally at the end of mRNA the ribosome releases the new protein

The pictures above are showing the Mitosis. It is important that cells divide so tissues and strucures can grow, be replaced, and repaired. The first picture shows prophase this is where the chromosomes condense and are visible, nuclear envelope and nucleolus disapear and the spindle forms. In the second picture this is metaphase where the chromosomes align along the center of the cell.

In this third picture above anaphase is happening where sister chromatids separate to opposite sides of the cell. In the fourth picture it is showing telephase and cytokinesis in this phase the nuclear envelope begins to reassemble around the two daughter nuclei. Chromosomes decondense and spindle appears. Division of cytoplasm into two cells!
This lab has really helped me fully understand the cell and its compartments. Before this lab I really didn't understand how the DNA replication process worked and this lab really helped me put it into persepective. I think that the hands on part of this lab really makes you think of each part of the cell and what its function is and how it contributes to the other compartments. I really enjoyed this lab and found it very helpfull!

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