Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Compendium Review Topic One Cells!

Basic Charecteristics of Life:
Life- needs energy, reproduces, grows and develops, maintains stable condition, responds to stimulus, organized because it has evolved.
*Cells are basic and fundemental unit of life, 1st life was cellular
Molecules of Life:
*Carbohydrates- made of simple sugars, function is energy

*Proteins- made of amino acids, function is catalyze reactions

*Fats- made of fatty acids, function cell membranes

*DNA/RNA- made of nucleotides (bases), function information

*Carbohydrates are stored in a complez form, broken down into simple sugars to fuel cellular metabolism in Mitochondria. (p. 29 text)

*Proteins are very complicated, amino acid chain folds ip to give complex form allowing catalyzing for very specific chemical reactions.

*Fats/Lipids are fundemental to life and the orgins seperate cell interior from enviroment as the cell membrane

*DNA/RNA store and use information made of nucleotides or bases (A,C,T/U,G) DNA molecules can be millions of bases long, DNA duplicates to pass on information

Cells as a Fundemental Unit:
2 types of cells:
*prokaryotic- simple, small, no organelles with molecules of life distributed throughout cytoplasm *Bacteria*
*Eukaryotic- complex, big 100x prokaryotic, internally organized with membrane bound organelles, multi cellular organisms *plants, humans*

Prokaryotic- cell membrane, small ribosomes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts

Eukaryotic- cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondria, large ribosomes, internal membrane

Nucleus- Command center, planning department, central library *city hall

Plasma Membrane- walls around outerboundary of cell allowing compartments to co-exist happily *homeostasis

Lysosomes- Waste disposal recycles and reuses broken down compartments
Vesicles- transportation

Cytoskeleton- series of fibrous proteins that help organize, structure and orient the cells. *roads and routes*

Mitochondria- *Power station*

Rough ER- studded with ribosomes to make protein

Smooth ER- aids in making carbs and lipids

Golgi Apparatus- flattened stacks that process, package, and deliver proteins and lipids from ER

Flagella/Cilia- movement in the cell, made of microtubules (city cell tour)

Cell Metabolism:
*cellular respiration- occurs in mitochondria, production of ATP in a cell, glucose main enery molecule

*Fermentation- occurs in cytoplasm doesnt require oxygen, invlolves glycolysis, makes 2 ATP, important for humans as a burts of energy for a short amount of time

Cells organized into Tissue:
Tissue is a collection of cells of the same type that perform a common function.

*Epithelial- group of cells that form a tight continuous network, lines body cavity, covers body surface, found in glands, anchored by a basement membrane on one side the other side is free, named after appearance of cell layers and shape *transitional epithelial that changes in appearance in response to tension
*Connective- binds and supports body parts, specialized cells, ground substance and protein fibers, ground substance is noncellular and ranges from solid to fluid, ground substance and protein make a matrix tissue.
*3 types fibrous, supportive, fluid; they all hold things together such as tendons, bone, cartilage, support blood vessels, nerves, cell population in bone marrow and blood.

*Muscle allows movement in body, make of muscle fibers, cells, and protein fibers called actin and myosin *3 types skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.
*Nervous- contains nerve cells, support, protect, and provide nutrients to neurons

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