Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ethical Issue Essay: Lets get Moving!

The ethical Issue for this unit is on being healthy and living a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunatly our society is going through an obesity crisis. There are a lot of different factors to this and why this is happening. What we need to do is think of ways to change this and get our society moving!
Looking at the different websites and seeing what other areas of the world are doing to create a healthy enviroment really go me thinking. In scottland they have really focused on making there economy user friendly so the people can walk and cycle to work, school, and shopping. In Camino Island they have the Camino in Motion which has different guides organizing physical activities for the people. The guides even go on walks with groups three times a week. In Japan they have fun in seven which targets the children in secondary education. The program tries to intill in the children the importance of being healthy, eating healthy, and being physically active. All of these programs are great I really think the fun in seven is going to really work because if you teach children at a young age it becomes there lifestyle. I also enjoyed the why is exercise wise website. The website really showed how exercising really can impact your life and change you. The website listed some reasons to exercise they are it causes the body to produce endorphines which causes people to be more happy and peaceful, helps some people sleep better, gives a sense of accomplishment, health, keeping fit, lowers risk of diseases and health problems, and helps people to age better.
I really enjoyed all these websites and learned something from each one. Living in Arizona sometimes it is hard to be as active as other places in the world because of the heat. Also living in small towns we don't have the indoor facilities that the cities have. That is why it is important for us to find something that works for us. Even though we may have to get up extra early to enjoy the outdoors it is really worth it. Also taking classes at the college is really a fun way to get in your physical activity they offer everything from arobics, weight lifting, dance classes, and kickboxing. I also think that we as a society really need to start teaching our children the importance of being healthy and how to live a healthy lifestyle. Which means we need to be the examples for our young children and live healthy lifestyles. I like to take the children at my church on hiking trips. We leave really early in the morning, pack a lunch, and usually swim for a while if there is water near by. They love it and it gets them outdoors and moving!
I have been considering relocating after school because of the heat and not being able to enjoy the outdoors as much as other areas. I went to California and the people there are so active because the weather is so nice. The cost of living there is outragous compared to here but it might have to be something to consider because I love the outdoors. Once I finish school I will have to decide where I want to live and out way the goods and bads of each area.

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