Friday, July 25, 2008

Compendium Reviiew Reproduction/human life cycle

Reproduction: human life cycle, meiosis-egg and sperm, fetal development and birth
Events of human life cycle- meosis, fertilization, fetal development, birth, childhood/adolecents, adulthood, aging, death

This is a picture of the male reproductive organs.
Testes- produce sperm and sex hormones
Epididymides- ducts where sperm mature and some sperm are stored
Vasa deferentia- conduct and store sperm
Seminal vesicles- contribute nutrients and fluid to semen
Prostate gland- contribute fluid to semen
Urethra- Conducts sperm
Bulbourethral glands- contribute mucus- containing fluid to semen
penis- organ of sexual intercourse

Where does meiosis happen?
Tissues of testes is full of seminiferous tubules, in wall of tubules, stem cells that give rise to sperm are constantly undergoing meiosis, sperm are then collected in epididymis, sperm are then ejaculated

Vasectomy-Vas deferens is cut, semen production and ejaculation are as before, sperm can not travel through epididymis, unjaculated sperm is reabsorbed

This is a picture of the female reproductive organs:
Ovaries- produce eggs and sex hormones
Oviducts- conduct eggs, location of fertilization
Uterus- houses developing fetus
Cervix- contains opening to uterus
Vagina- recieves penis during sexual intercourse, serves as birth canal, and as an exit for menstrual flow

Where does meiosis happen?
Occurs in ovaries, phase one in fetal ovary, 1 egg per month menstrual cycle, egg bursts through wall of ovary to be taken up into fallopian tube, phase 2 occurs the moment egg is fertilized, if pregnancy occurs no menstruation

Birth Control Options: hormone skin patch, depo-provera, diaphragm, female and male condoms, oral conception

Sexually transmitted diseases STDs
Viral diseases- cannot be treated with antibiotics but there are a few antivirals, HIV, genital warts, genital herpes, hepatitis
Bacterial diseases- can be treated wiht antibiotics chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphillis

Hepatitis- an infection of the liver by one of 6 viruses Hep A, B, C, D, E, G
Hep B is the most commonly sexually transmitted hep. transmitted through sexual contact and by contaminated blood, can lead to liver failure, vaccines available for Hep A and B

Other common infections of the Reproductive tract:
Bacterial Vaginosis-(BV) accounts for 50% of vaginitis in american women, caused by a disruption of the normal flora in the vagina leading to an overgrowth of certain bacteria
Trichomoniosis- caused by protozoan can cause frothy discharge with fowl smell and itching
Candidiasis- an overgrowth of normal yeast int he vagina, charecterized by tissue that is red, inflamed, itchy, sometimes white curdy discharge as well, birth control and antibiotics make women more prone to overgrowth of yeast.

Preventing transmission of STDs
abstinence, long term monogamous relationships, being aware of partners past sex life, drug use, practice safer sex, condoms, limit drug use and alcohol

Fertilization and implantation:
Approximatly one week to implantation , no growth just mitosis producing smaller cells, ectopic pregnancy fertilized egg implants but not in uterine walls

This is a picture of the stages of fetal development:

Early embryonic development- basic body plan laid down, no organs formed, placenta develops, very little growth fetus tiny
From fetus to adult- fetal germ layers destined to become specific adult strucure, overall body reflects early fetal form

Pregancy changes in female anatomy- shift in organs, bladder/rectum pushed superiorly, squeezed change in urination, stomach compressed, eat more often less at each meal, immune response may change, appetite, postural changes to comensate for anterior weight, breast enlarge

Birthing, cultures, and children
There are many different approaches to the birthing process and child raising that is what makes up our human population

Unit 4 Self Evaluation

1. What were the three aspects of the assignments I've submitted that I am most proud of?
I was really proud of my quizes and final lab project!
2. What two aspects of my submitted assignments do I believe could have used some improvement?
I am still haveing trouble placing the pictures right on my blogs and spacing
3. What do I believe my overall grade should be for this unit?
I really enjoyed this unit i had some technical difficulty with my computer this week after all the power outages in the area so unfortunatly I didn't get all my assignments submitted and lost some material. For the work I did submitt I would give myself a B.
4. How could I perform better in the next unit? Prepare myself for the worst and technical difficulties. With my computer down and me working I wasn't able to get access to a computer until tonight because I am working when the library and college is open so I really need to have an emergancy back up when taking online classes.

REGARDING THE UNIT (adapted from Stephen Brookfield, University of St. Thomas "Critical Incident Questionnaire")
At what moment during this unit did you feel most engaged with the course?
I really enjoyed learning about the birthing process and different stages

At what moment unit did you feel most distanced from the course? power outages!

What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit that find most affirming and helpful? I found during the course as a whole the instructor was very good about answering any questions needed and in a timely manner

What action that anyone (teacher or student) took during this unit did you find most puzzling or confusing? none really!

What about this unit surprised you the most? (This could be something about your own reactions to the course, something that someone did, or anything else that occurs to you.) I really thought we evolved from the ape! It was funny for me to read this section because I had it all wrong! At least I got it cleared up!

Unit 4 Lab Project Species

In this lab I will be listing 20 species that I might interact with on a typical day.

First is Humans-Homo Sapiens
Symbiotic, domesitcated, we love spending time with each other

Apricot- Prunus armeniaca, mutualistic, can be domesticated
We water the tree and benefit with eating the fuit produced, although an apricot tree can grow in the wild and survive
Horse- Equus Caballus, mutualistic/symbiotic, can be domesticated or wild we provide shelter and feed the horses and they provide us with transportation, we also offer each other companionship
Butterfly-Danaus Plexippus, commensal can be domesticated and used for polinating
Fly-Musca Domestica, commensal because they decompose
Angel's Trumpet Flower-Datura innoxia, can be domesticated cemmensal we take care and water flower and enjoy the presence of them and there scent
Peach- Prunus Persica, mutualistic, can be domesticated
we take care of trees by fertilizing and watering them and then we benefit from the fruit produced
Saguaro Cactus- carnegiea gigantea
commensal can be domesticated even though a lot of these cactus grow in the wild, we have started growing them for landscape purposes
Dog- Canis Lupis Familiaris, mutualistic/symbiotic, domesticated
we provide the dog food, water,and shelter and they provide us with there companionship
Dust mite- dermatophagagoides farinea, parasitic, not domesticated, feed off dead skin cells
Cat- Felis Catus, mutualistic, most domesticated
Cow- bovidae, commensal used for food, mostley domesticated
Chicken-gallus domesticus, commensal used for food, mostly domesticated
Fish- aquatic vertabrates, commensal used for food, some domesticated some not
Ant- solenopsis invicta, predation seed food dead or alive, not doemsticated
Cockroach- periplaneta americana, parasitic, not domesticated
Cricket- insecta, orthoptera, parasitic, not domesticated
Tomato- Solanum lycopersioum, mutualistic/symbiotic, used for food, domesticated
Roses- genus rosa, commensal, domesticated
Apples- malus domestica, mutualistic/symbiotic used for food, can be domesticated
Dandruff- pityriais capitis, commensal, not domesticated
Head lice- pediculosis capitis- parasitic, not domesticated

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ethical Issue Essay: Lets get Moving!

The ethical Issue for this unit is on being healthy and living a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunatly our society is going through an obesity crisis. There are a lot of different factors to this and why this is happening. What we need to do is think of ways to change this and get our society moving!
Looking at the different websites and seeing what other areas of the world are doing to create a healthy enviroment really go me thinking. In scottland they have really focused on making there economy user friendly so the people can walk and cycle to work, school, and shopping. In Camino Island they have the Camino in Motion which has different guides organizing physical activities for the people. The guides even go on walks with groups three times a week. In Japan they have fun in seven which targets the children in secondary education. The program tries to intill in the children the importance of being healthy, eating healthy, and being physically active. All of these programs are great I really think the fun in seven is going to really work because if you teach children at a young age it becomes there lifestyle. I also enjoyed the why is exercise wise website. The website really showed how exercising really can impact your life and change you. The website listed some reasons to exercise they are it causes the body to produce endorphines which causes people to be more happy and peaceful, helps some people sleep better, gives a sense of accomplishment, health, keeping fit, lowers risk of diseases and health problems, and helps people to age better.
I really enjoyed all these websites and learned something from each one. Living in Arizona sometimes it is hard to be as active as other places in the world because of the heat. Also living in small towns we don't have the indoor facilities that the cities have. That is why it is important for us to find something that works for us. Even though we may have to get up extra early to enjoy the outdoors it is really worth it. Also taking classes at the college is really a fun way to get in your physical activity they offer everything from arobics, weight lifting, dance classes, and kickboxing. I also think that we as a society really need to start teaching our children the importance of being healthy and how to live a healthy lifestyle. Which means we need to be the examples for our young children and live healthy lifestyles. I like to take the children at my church on hiking trips. We leave really early in the morning, pack a lunch, and usually swim for a while if there is water near by. They love it and it gets them outdoors and moving!
I have been considering relocating after school because of the heat and not being able to enjoy the outdoors as much as other areas. I went to California and the people there are so active because the weather is so nice. The cost of living there is outragous compared to here but it might have to be something to consider because I love the outdoors. Once I finish school I will have to decide where I want to live and out way the goods and bads of each area.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

In this lab we are to create a model of a moving limb with neuron triggering muscle to pull bone and make a joint move. The supplies I used are playdough, styrophome ball and tube, and fuzzy wire sticks.


Materials in picture one


picture two shows you the limb and has labeled the parts.

In this picure you can see the muscles that are attached to the bone. The femur is covered with the quadricep muscles and hamstring muscles. The quadricep is the muscle that straigtens the leg at knee and raises the thigh. The hamstring is at the back of the femur and allows the knee to bend at the thigh. Also there is the sartorius which raises and laterally rotates the thigh allowing movement such as kicking a soccer ball. As you can see the knee is a synovial joint so it is freely movable. I wasn't able to show in my diagram how complex the knee really is but I did visit a really good website that went into a lot of detail on the knee.

What Are the Major Structures of the Knee? What Do They Do?
The knee joint works like a hinge to bend and straighten the lower leg. It permits a person to sit, stand, and pivot. The knee is composed of the following parts.

Structures of the Knee
Bones and Cartilage
The knee joint is the junction of three bones -- the femur (thigh bone or upper leg bone), the tibia (shin bone or larger bone of the lower leg), and the patella (kneecap). The patella is about 2 to 3 inches wide and 3 to 4 inches long. It sits over the other bones at the front of the knee joint and slides when the leg moves. It protects the knee and gives leverage to muscles.
The ends of the three bones in the knee joint are covered with articular cartilage, a tough, elastic material that helps absorb shock and allows the knee joint to move smoothly. Separating the bones of the knee are pads of connective tissue called menisci, which are divided into two crescent-shaped discs positioned between the tibia and femur on the outer and inner sides of each knee. The two menisci in each knee act as shock absorbers, cushioning the lower part of the leg from the weight of the rest of the body, as well as enhancing stability.
There are two groups of muscles at the knee. The quadriceps muscle comprises four muscles on the front of the thigh that work to straighten the leg from a bent position. The hamstring muscles, which bend the leg at the knee, run along the back of the thigh from the hip to just below the knee.
Ligaments are strong, elastic bands of tissue that connect bone to bone. They provide strength and stability to the joint. Four ligaments connect the femur and tibia:
The medial collateral ligament (MCL) provides stability to the inner (medial) aspect of the knee.
The lateral collateral ligament (LCL) provides stability to the outer (lateral) aspect of the knee.
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), in the center of the knee, limits rotation and the forward movement of the tibia.
The posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), also in the center of the knee, limits backward movement of the tibia.
Other ligaments are part of the knee capsule, which is a protective, fiber-like structure that wraps around the knee joint. Inside the capsule, the joint is lined with a thin, soft tissue, called synovium.
Tendons are tough cords of tissue that connect muscle to bone. In the knee, the quadriceps tendon connects the quadriceps muscle to the patella and provides power to extend the leg. The patellar tendon connects the patella to the tibia. Technically, it is a ligament, but it is commonly called a tendon.


This picure is of the sarcomers relaxed.


This picture shows the sarcomers contracted.

This lab was a good way to put together everything we have learned in this unit. It really gave us the hands on approach and made us study how our bodies function and how we are able to move.

Online lab how do muscles work

Effect of Temperature on Muscle Action

1. Count the number of times you can make a fist in 20 seconds. Start with
your hand completely outstretched and make a tight fist each time. Do it
as rapidly as you can. Record the count in Figure 1. 47

2. Now submerge your hand in a dishpan of water to which has been added
snow or ice so that the temperature is near the freezing point. Leave your
hand in the water for one full minute.

3. Remove your hand and immediately count how many forceful fists you can
make in 20 seconds. Record in Figure 1. 15

Figure 1: Effect of Temperature on Muscle Action

Number of Fists
Normal 47---------------
Ice Water 15

Effect of Fatigue on Muscle Action

1. Count how many times you can tightly squeeze a rubber ball in your hand
in 20 seconds. Record in Figure 2. 43

2. Repeat the squeezing nine more times and record results. Do not rest
between trials.

(An alternative procedure which works well is to open and close a
clothespin with the thumb and index finger while the other fingers are held
out straight.)

Figure 2: Effect of Fatigue on muscle action

# of Squeezes in 20 seconds
9 More X's
1 43
2 41
3 36
4 34
5 29
6 24
7 17
8 14
9 13
10 8


1. What are the three changes you observed in a muscle while it is working (contracted)? enlarged, tightened, and became fatigued

2. What effect did the cold temperature have on the action of your hand muscles? Explain. It made my hand ache and feel really tense my muscle seemed tight
3. What effect did fatigue have on the action of your hand muscles?
My hand started aching and cramping like it couldn't do anymore. It seemed like my muscles were under stress I think this might be due to lack of oxygen and slowing down the process of producing ATP energy for my muscles.

Compendium Review Movement

Neuron brings impulse to synapse with muscle
muscle cell shorten by sliding protein filaments (actin, myosin units)
Movements at protein level cause whole muscle to rapidly shorten or contract
Neurons trigger muscle to contract based on stimuli or sensory input, muscle contracts by sliding filaments, muscle pulls on bone to cause movement across joint
Muscle Cell Structure:
Muscle cells are large and visible
Each cell contains hundreds of myofibrils
Each myofibril contains actin, myoisn, filaments proteins all lined up

Parts of a muscle cell : Sarcolemma- muscle cell membrane, Sarcoplasmic Reticulum- ER in muscle, T tubule penetrate into cells and cotact SR

Calcium Release in muscle:

Motor neuron impulse arrives to axonal terminus, neuro muscular juction synapse passes message onto muscle cell, sarcolemma (muscle cell membrane) undergo action potential all along length of cell membrane and into T-tubule system, voltage change causes releases of Ca+2 ions into muscle cell. Calcium causes actin-myosin units sarcomers to shorten

Shortening of actin myosin units lead to whole muscle contraction, connection of many cells make whole muscle shorten bringing about body movements, movement happens across joints between skeletal elements


connect skeletal elements, synovial joints are lubricated mobile joints, skeletal elements linked by synovial jounts move when muscle pull on those skeletal elements.

Flexion- joint angle decreases

Extension-joint angle increases

Adduction- body parts move towards midline

Abduction-body parts move away from midline

Rotation- body part moves around its own axis

Circumduction- body part moves so that cone shape is outlined

Inversion- sole of foot turns inward

Eversion- sole of foot turns outward

Structure of bone:

bone is alive, has nerves, blood supply, cells, connective tissue very organized in layers around blood vessels, cells make bone tissue, dissolve bone tissue, live inside bone tissue

Fetal bone formation: cartilage model forms first, then bony tissue fills around blood vessels, final bone has three parts central shaft diapysis, and 2 ends epiphysis, new bone tissue forms with in cartilage

Medullary Cavity: inside diaphysis is hollow tube, filled with bone marrow where blood cells form.

Calcium Regulation and Bone:

Bone serves as calcium storage, calcium is needed for many aspects of cell metabolism, but especially in muscle cells. Calcium regulation is negative feedback mechanism, release of calcium by degrading bone can be contrery to support role of bone, osteoporosis is a result of calcium need